Is Sardinia a part of the EU?

Sardinia is one of the most beautiful islands to choose for a holiday trip. If you’re from an EU member country, you may be wondering whether you can just get in with an ID alone. Is Sardinia a part of the EU? Let’s find out!

If you’re not aware, Sardinia is an island belonging to Italy. This means that, by extension, Sardinia is automatically in the EU too. And if you can enter Italy with just your ID as an EU citizen, you can enter Sardinia in much the same way.

If you’d like to be sure that that is still up to date, you can always check the official site for Schengen Entry Requirements for Italy. If you’re from the UK and would like to know how to enter Italy under current regulations, check the official Foreign Travel Advice site here

In summary: Is Sardinia in the European Union? Yes, it belongs to Italy. Do you need a passport? No if you’re from a European Union Member State. 


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