Which sea is Sicily on?

If you’re thinking of going to Sicily for your holidays and you’re set on lounging dead-flat on the beach all day, you may want to at least know what sea will be your daily companion. Is Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea? Let’s find out today.

You may already know that Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, practically in the centre. As such, we may be tempted to conclude that Sicily is in the Mediterranean Sea. And it is. But it’s not the most exact answer we can give.

The Mediterranean Sea, given its sheer size, makes up 15 smaller ‘marginal’ seas. You may have already noticed that Italy as a whole, though it is in the Mediterranean, is actually surrounded by the Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea. These are all marginal seas within the larger Mediterranean Sea.

Similarly, Sicily is also surrounded by marginal Mediterranean Seas: in this case, that’s the Tyrrhenian Sea (between Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily) and the Ionian Sea (on the eastern coast, between the Apennine Peninsula and Sicily). Catania, for instance, has access to the Ionian Sea. And as for your dead-flat plans, we’d recommend the Ionian Sea, as it’s a tiny bit warmer than the Tyrrhenian Sea in the summer. 🙂


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