How much does it cost to enter the Pinacoteca di Brera?

The Brera Art Gallery is one of the most popular galleries in the whole of Italy, and that’s quite a feat. It’s located in Milan and it features exhibitions featuring works of art from artists such as Caravaggio, Canaletto and Raphael. Are you wondering how much such a treat is going to cost you? No worries, we’ll cover exactly that today.


The Brera Art Gallery – ticket prices

Well, here’s the catch – there are no simple tickets anymore. Currently, the only form of a ticket available there is a pass which allows you to enter the gallery an unlimited number of times for three months. The name of that pass is the BreraCARD


How much does the BreraCARD cost?

The price of a standard BreraCARD pass is €16. The cost of the pass is usually €15, but it has been increased to €16 till the 15th December of 2023 to help with the emergency in Emilia Romagna. If you’re intending on visiting later, the price may have already been lowered again. The card is a virtual pass and, as we’ve mentioned, it entitles you to three months of access to the gallery.

Thankfully, there are also a number of discounts thanks to which young people, dear senior citizens and people with disabilities can count on cheaper (or even free!) entry to Pinacoteca di Brera.

There are quite a few discount variants, but the basics is this: visitors under 18 can enter for free, though children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. People with disabilities can also enter for free and, if their condition means they must be accompanied, their companion can also enter for free. EU citizens from 18 to 25 can buy the card for €3.

There’s also a deal for families where 1-2 adults + up to 5 children get the pass for €11. There are also a lot of free entry options for people whose job or education covers the gallery’s field: teachers of Italian fine arts, students of art courses, licensed guides, Italian journalists, advertisers, etc. You can get all the details about job-related special deals here.

Where applicable, it’s necessary to provide the relevant documents proving the right to the discount in question.


How much does a guided tour of the Pinacoteca di Brera cost?

You can hire a private tour guide which will cost you around €60 per adult. Then again, there are audio guides available for Italian, English, French and Spanish speaking visitors for €5 and you can check whether there are current options for individual guided tours which offer the audio guide as a part of the pass at:


Where and how to buy the pass to the Pinacoteca di Brera?

All ‘tickets’ to the Pinacoteca di Brera can be purchased online, through the gallery’s website. Do note that you cannot currently purchase tickets in person – you have to do it online, at: Also, for any visit made using the BreraCARD, you have to make a reservation in advance.


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