Should you go to Milan in winter?

Milan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in both Italy and the whole of Europe. There’s something for everyone here: art, museums, ancient architecture, shops, food, parties, relaxation. Naturally, most people come to enjoy all those delights in summer. But what we don’t? How does Milan look in winter?

What’s winter in Milan like?

Milan in summer is basically flooded with tourists from all directions, with queues to the Duomo reaching degrees of lunacy unknown. If you don’t feel like pushing through hordes, then winter is much better for that. Tourists are, of course, still here, but their numbers are much, much smaller. Additionally, given that there are fewer tourists, prices are also lower and you’ll have an easier time finding space in hotels. The city gets at least a bit more quiet in winter, though it’s still a massive city nonetheless.

If you would like to spend your winter holidays in summer-like conditions, then Milan might not be the best option for you. It’s still warmer than our averages, but it’s not ‘warm’ per se. Cyprus or Spain might be better options for you if that’s of high importance for you.


Milan in November

If you’d like to try to visit Milan right before winter, then you’ll still have some decent temperatures at the beginning of the month – about 13-17°C. This drops to an average of 11°C by the end of the month, though, and it’s only going down from there. Nights are also already chilly, at about 5°C. If we’re to count November alongside the winter months, then November is the rainiest, so the rest of winter, while colder, is at least less rainy.

Mediolan Listopad
Rain in Milan is a common occurrence compared to other southern European cities.


Milan in December

panettone babka
Christmas Panettone cupcake.

Occasionally, you may find days which reach 15°C, though it’s very unlikely – just as unlikely as it going down to zero. The average day temperatures in December are about 6-8°C. Night temperatures can go below zero. The upside is that December is possibly the most magical month of them all because of Christmas. Every corner of the city will greet you with the lovely Christmas atmosphere and it certainly makes up for it being a bit chilly. As you can imagine, the number of tourists goes up, and so do the prices around Christmas.

Mediolan Wrzesień
Beautiful sunny days do, of course, also happen in winter


January in Milan

La Scala w Mediolanie

January is usually about as cold as December, with the average also staying about 6-8°C. Warmer days do occur sometimes, especially at the end of the month (10-15°C). Still, it’s perfectly fine for exploring the city with a few layers more, and, this month, there won’t be many tourists standing in your way.


February in Milan

Mediolan w zimie
During major snowfalls, we can take shelter in the Galleria Victor Emmanuel II.

February gets quite a bit warmer in its second half, with 15°C+ appearing on a regular basis. Nights still stay cold, but days are certainly decent enough for exploration, especially if the sun’s out.


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