
Public holidays in Germany

If you’re travelling to Germany and you want to make use of any services, you may want to make sure that you’re not visiting during a public holiday. Today, we’ll go over all the relevant public holidays in 2024 so you don’t have to worry about sites being closed when you arrive.

See More →Public holidays in Germany


May Day in Germany

If you’re over in Germany in May, you may find yourself amidst a clash: on one end, the day of labourers and worker rights, and on another bonfires, maypoles and dances. What does May Day look like in Germany? Let’s take a look!

See More →May Day in Germany


Is it safe in Berlin?

Berlin is one of the most commonly visited cities in Europe and the largest and most populous city in Germany. It’s famous for its architecture, museums, sport venues and cultural events. If you’d like to see them too, you may be wondering just how safe Berlin is. Today, we’ll take a look at exactly that.

See More →Is it safe in Berlin?