Where is Rome located?

We’d be very impressed if you haven’t yet heard of Rome, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that you may have been very asleep during your geography classes. If so, then you may know Rome but not its location. As such, we’ll go over the absolute basics today – where is Rome located? Which peninsula is Rome on?

Rome was founded about 2,700 years ago, though evidence of activity in the area of current Rome dates back to over 10,000 years ago. Currently, it’s the capital of Italy with a population of over 4,300,000. The city formally occupies 1,285 km2 and is located on the same peninsula as the rest of Italy – the Apennine Peninsula.


Where is Rome located?

Rome is located in the central area of the Italian (Apennine) Peninsula, in the Lazio region. It extends to the shore, connecting with the Tyrrhenian Sea. The famous Tiber River flows through Rome and links it with the sea as well. In northern Rome, there’s also the river Aniene flowing into Tiber.

One final important aspect of Rome’s location is that the ‘Rome of Kings’ was built on top of seven hills: Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and the Viminal Hill.


Where is the Apennine Peninsula?

The Apennine Peninsula, otherwise known as the Italian/Italic Peninsula or the Italian Boot, is located in southern Europe. It’s located below Germany, Switzerland and Austria, in its iconic boot shape. The Apennine Mountains, as in the name, are the central piece running through the whole peninsula.


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