Should you go to Rome in spring? Weather for March, April and May in Rome

If you’re wondering what spring is like in Rome, we’ll tell you all about it today. Today’s post will go over some fun things you can do in Rome in spring and what weather you can expect in March, April and May in Rome. As you can probably imagine, it’s quite a bit warmer than it is for us at home already. Join us!


Easter in Rome


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The first reason we’ll mention is the Easter celebrations in Rome and in the Vatican City specifically. Easter in Italy, Pasqua, is a special time for the people of Rome and the Catholic Church in the Vatican. Whether you’re a believer or not, if you want to experience the Easter atmosphere like no other, visit the Vatican!


Smaller crowds and queues in Rome


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Spring also means that you’re coming to Rome in the low season, which is excellent news. This means that you can expect much smaller queues, less crowds, noise and lower prices! If you don’t want to wait in line for two hours to see St Peter’s Basilica, spring is your friend, especially if you have limited time on your hands. Fewer tourists also means more reasonable prices for accommodation and flights to Rome.


Wisteria (Glycine) in bloom!


Rzym Glicynia

April is the perfect time to take beautiful photos in Rome, as that’s the time when the purple Wisteria blooms all over the city. We especially recommend the Villa Celimontana Park, where you’ll find plenty of Glycine hanging from the roofs. There’s also the Piazza Venezia and the Roman Forum, both plentiful in Wisteria.


Weather in Rome in spring


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Rome will be warmer than the UK, though it may also be a little rainy, especially in the first half of spring. Don’t worry, though, the rains are nothing too serious here. We’ll break down each month individually for you below.


Rome weather in March


Rzym w marcu

In March, you can expect temperatures in the range of 16 to 18 degrees Celsius, though occasional spikes to 20+ do also happen. You can expect about 7 days of rain in March, so take an umbrella but don’t expect floods. At night, the temperatures drop to 7-11 degrees, so not too bad, but a jacket won’t hurt.


Weather in Rome in April


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Aprils are certainly warmer though also a bit rainier. You can expect about 9 days of rain. Day temperatures reach 20 degrees very regularly in April, though you may encounter a few colder days. On average, you can expect 19 degrees Celsius. Nights get a bit cold, around 8 degrees.


Weather in Rome in May


Rzym maj

May is already very warm and the least rainy of the bunch. You can expect average temperatures around 23 degrees, though spikes to 26-30 do also happen. Late into May, night temperatures stay around 15 degrees Celsius, so it’s a perfect time for doomer walks. Easily the most pleasant month in Rome.


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