Is cannabis legal in Italy?

Many people want to combine their holidays with trying something new. Some try dating, others pick up a new sport, and select people try drugs. If you’re going to Italy and you’re wondering about the legality of cannabis, then we’ll go over that in today’s post. Is cannabis legal? Can you own drugs in Italy?

Italy is not currently the most liberal country in regards to drug usage, certainly not like the Netherlands and such, but it’s also not that far off. For instance, you can currently possess cannabis for personal use in small amounts and it’s not a crime, but a ‘petty offence’ – at most, you’ll be subjected to fines and have your documents taken away for some time. 

Selling cannabis, on the other hand, is fully illegal. The only way to go about that is selling products with a very small percentage of cannabis inside. Medicine utilising cannabis can also be sold, though it requires formal authorisation from the Ministry of Health. Markets officially using cannabis in their products are currently following the EU standard – products are fine as long as they contain less than 0.3% THC.

What about other drugs? While cannabis is slowly becoming more normalised in Italy, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and all such harder derivatives are all illegal in Italy. 


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