Should you go to Perugia?

Are you wondering what your next stop in Italy is going to be? What about the capital of Umbria? Perugia is perhaps not as incredibly popular as Milan or Rome, but it’s still a city with plenty to offer and fewer tourists to push through. As such, we’ll be going who Perugia is for today.


I like sightseeing – is Perugia for me?

Perugia atrakcje

Yes! Perugia has plenty of lovely tourist attractions – plus, there are many small towns in the area, including the famous Assisi. The whole of the Umbrian countryside is ripe with various sites to explore. As for Perugia itself, there are many attractions from the Etruscan and Roman times – the city itself is also a tangle of narrow streets and interesting places. Therefore, for lovers of sightseeing and history, this will be a great city to visit. You can check out our list of the best attractions of Perugia.

Apart from Assisi, you can also find Trevi and the mountainous Castellucio in the area around Perugia.


I like beaches and sunbathing – is Perugia for me?

Lago Trasimeno
Lake Trasimeno

There’s no beach in Perugia. There are no traditional coastal beaches in Umbria because Umbria does not have access to the sea. There is, however, Lake Trasimeno near the city. Lakes is all you’ll find around Perugia, with small spots that you can theoretically lounge on, such as Spaggia Sualzo, Zocco and Caloni on Lake Trasimeno. If you’d prefer some traditional beaches, you’d better look around Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.


I like nature and tranquillity, is Perugia for me?

Horses on a meadow in Umbria

Yes! This is certainly the place, as is the whole of Umbria. You’ll find:

  • the Parco del Monte Subasio near Assisi, 
  • the Parco Regionale dei Lago Trasimeno (on Lake Trasimeno),
  • the incredible Parco Regionale del Monte Cucco (eastern Umbria) with its mountains,
  • the Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini (on the Umbrian border)
  • and the Parco Fluviale del Tevere

There are loads of trails and beautiful natural spots all around Umbria, so we recommend it very much for that.

Lato Umbria
A summer view in Umbria


Should you go to Perugia?

  • Perugia is a city full of historical monuments and interesting tourist sites
  • The mountains and overall natural spots are incredible here, so it’s an amazing place for hiking enthusiasts
  • Perugia has its own chocolates – Perugina!
  • Perugia is also a great spot for nightly parties!
  • Though Umbrian cuisine is not yet widely known in the world, it’s full of amazing ingredients, such as truffles, sheep cheese, spelt and lamb
  • You’ll invariably find fewer tourists here than in the most mainstream cities around Italy

As you can see, Perugia is good for plenty of things – sadly, not for everything, as it’s not the spot for beach enthusiasts. If you’d like to learn what weather you can expect out of season in Perugia, check out our articles on spring and autumn in Perugia.


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